
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-24
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关键词:大学会计专业 会计职业道德教育 影响因素


Abstract:In this paper, I survey the status about accounting ethics education of accounting in university and the impact of the accountants using the questionnaire as the main method. The results show that the situation is not good, but most accountants think that strengthening of accounting ethics education can improve professional quality. I classify and simplify the factors with factor analysis in two aspects. The results show that the first factor of accounting ethics education is the importance of education and the second factor is the necessity of education. The first factor of impact of the accountants is the improvement of professional quality and the second factor is the guidance of education. Then I suggest the improvement measures and recommendations of accounting ethics education to improve the accounting ethics course’s status in accounting and moral standard of the college students.

Key words: accounting in university; accounting ethics education; factors




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:对学生进行会计职业道德教育的目的是使这些“准会计人员”能追求崇高的职业道德观念,并在成为真正会计人后,在会计工作岗位上达到良好的职业道德境界,提高会计行业的信誉。......
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