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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-24
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关键词:知识经济   人力资源   人力资源会计


Abstract: When we entered the 21st century, we entered a new era – the knowledge economy era. The knowledge economy is based on production, distribution and usage of knowledge and information, the essence of the knowledge economy is as the most important factors for the possession and allocation of intellectual resources, the distribution and consumption of the knowledge with science and technology as the main content. While in the final analysis intelligence resources and the progress for science and technology are relying on human resources. In the era of knowledge economy with new characteristics, the traditional accounting, because of its own limitation, already cannot satisfy the demand of the times, so the establishment of human resource accounting has become an inevitable trend, and has been becoming possible. The knowledge economy in the urgent need for human resources is a strong force for the development of human resource accounting. 

Key words: Knowledge Economy   Human Resources   Human Resource Accounting





上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:论述知识经济、知识经济时代的基本概念的基础上,重点研究了知识经济给人力资源会计带来的影响,探讨人力资源会计的确认与计量,说明我国建立人力资源会计的必要性,最后探索......
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