
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-27
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关键词  战略成本管理;实证分析;管理对策


Abstract:Strategic cost management cost management and strategic management product in combination, is an adaptive changes made ​​by the traditional cost management changes in the competitive environment. So-called strategic cost management is a strategic vision to identify the cost drivers from the source of the cost of the value chain cost management, the use of cost data and information that provide strategic cost information for each of the key steps in strategic management, in order to facilitate competition the advantage of the formation and the creation of the core competitiveness.

This article is starting from the theoretical knowledge of modern strategic cost management, the use of the method of combining the actual situation of enterprises and related theories to analyze, in the the Daming original cost management based on the introduction of the concept of strategic cost management. The use of literature and empirical analysis to evaluate the company's cost management system, both internal and external analysis of the company's strategic cost management problems and try to put forward solutions to help the Ming dynasty to improve the competitive edge in the market.

Key words  Strategic Cost Management  Empirical Analysis   Management Measures


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:金属加工行业的销售渠道宽广,对于产品质量根据不同的客户存在不同的要求,于是客观上对于企业的成本管理要求较高,研究战略成本管理实质是寻求成本优势,具有现实意义:......
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