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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:喜欢天天 更新时间:2014-02-28
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关键词 成本控制;以顾客为中心;客户关系


Abstract:With the continuous development of society and the market economy, the competition between enterprises is more and more fierce, management of enterprises has become the most concern so cost control. More and more enterprises hope to reduce the cost of the product, low cost access to the market to obtain market share. But the blind to reduce costs will only bring more loss to the enterprise and even unable to meet the most basic needs for survival. But with the market situation changes, from the original seller's market to a buyer's market. The enterprise only add to the customer as the center of philosophy to enterprise product production, in order to meet the customer's personalized and diverse needs, can be very good to create value for customers and can survive and develop in the fierce competition in the market. This paper is on the cost control of enterprise, customer relationship management and research to control costs in the customer relationship.

   This article first to domestic and international research situation analysis, with bai xiang  company as example, linking theory with practice, citing literature borrowing of enterprise cost control and customer relationship management research, analysis to the customer as the necessity of cost control center, find out the existing problems in the process of cost control center to customers, according to the problem of finding solutions therefore, strengthening enterprise customer relations effectively and reduce the cost of enterprise, realize the maximization of enterprise value. Know that through the analysis of the problem, the production and development of the enterprise is built on to the customer as the center on the basis of production, products to meet customer needs, to meet customer demand on the basis of effective cost control to achieve the business target.

Keywords  Cost control  taking the customer as the center  customer relationship


上传会员 喜欢天天 对本文的描述:成本的控制能帮助企业实现更大的收益,实现企业的目标;而以顾客为中心能让企业获得更多的顾客及市场份额。这种以顾客为中心的成本控制能更好的使企业在这竞争激烈的市场中不......
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