
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词 财务管理;财务体系;中小企业


Abstract: Financial management is kind of comprehensive management, which organizes financial activities of enterprises and deals with financial relations. It has extensive contacts with enterprises. Meanwhile, it can reflect the condition of production and operation of enterprises rapidly. With the further development of China's market economy, small and medium-sized companies in China have become a common form of business organization. As basic national economic forms, small and medium enterprises have become the foundation of national economy. However, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises develop at a low and difficult speed. The average life expectancy is only 3-5 years. One of the important reasons is that enterprises lack suitable, effective and scientific financial management system.

   The paper aims to study Bao Fuda company, adopting the methods of deductive, theoretical basis, literature research and the combination of theory and actual case induction, which starts from the financial management system of small and medium-sized enterprises and introduces the system structure of financial management system and other related theory. Based on this, the paper firstly introduces the organization structure and management of Bao Fuda company. Then it analyzes the actuality of the financial management system of Bao Fuda company from multiple perspectives, combining with the actual situation of Bao Fuda company from the aspects of financial management, strengthening financial budget management and improving the financial information management. At the same time, the paper conducts the research on financial management system of Bao Fuda company. Finally, it draws the following conclusion that the establishment of scientific and effective for the development of the company's financial management system is not only to achieve the goal of company, the need for strategic decision implementation, but also the strong support and favorable balance for improving the economic benefits at immediate interests and long-term interests.

Keywords  financial management  financial system  Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文选择以宝福达公司财务管理体系存在的问题作为研究对象,从公司财务管理体系的现状和存在的问题着手分析,对如何制定适合宝福达公司的财务管理体系提出了对策,目的是在探......
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