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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词 金融衍生工具;财务管理;金融危机


Abstract:In 1880's , the Bretton Woods system collapse, financial derivatives boarded the stage of history, and quickly spread to other parts of the world, under the influence of western countries of China's enterprises also try to use financial derivatives. In 1972 May the first foreign exchange futures contracts in the United States, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) of the international monetary market launch, marking the financial derivatives officially boarded the stage of history. In the following years, the financial derivatives are mixed, but due to its special risk aversion ability is other risk control methods can not be replaced, the financial tools and quickly spread to the rest of the world. CITIC Pacific Ltd is a comprehensive China early in the Hongkong stock exchange - listed holding company, the company business scope extensive coverage, project diversification, and actively use financial derivative instruments to carry out international business for its income. Based the analysis research method, case method and literature analysis method, application in CITIC Pacific Financial Derivatives in the financial management of enterprises as a case, analysis of CITIC Pacific in the financial situation and financial derivative problems in the financial management of the company, CITIC Pacific in the analysis using the financial derivatives in, find out the influence of CITIC Pacific use of financial derivatives to improve profitability, the CITIC Pacific Ltd. the development of financial derivatives requirements and precautions for help on improving CITIC Pacific enterprise internal financial management system better measure of financial derivatives in the financial management of enterprises

Keywords  Financial  derivatives  The financial management

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:我国企业也积极应用金融衍生工具,希望从失败和不足中找到适合企业金融预算内工具应用的新途径,本文就中信泰富公司为例,解释和分析本公司的金融衍生工具使用和反思,通过典......
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