
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-27
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关键词 靖江农村商业银行;信贷风险;管理


Abstract: Since the Commercial bank emerged, Its main business determines the credit risk as the main risks of commercial Banks, credit risk has become a financial institutions and regulatory risk prevention and control of the main object and the core content. Since 2003, our country's rural financial system reform has entered a new stage.

   Rural commercial Banks tend to define their business strategy as "based on small and medium-sized enterprises, service the local economy," in this strategy, under the impetus of the rural commercial bank for the support of small and medium-sized enterprises, the important task of developing the local economy, to stabilize the regional economy, promote the harmonious development of society has an important role. At present, due to the special banking system in China, the big four state-owned Banks in the financial market in China occupies the majority share, this leads to the neglect of rural commercial bank. As the local economic development in rural areas and gradually attach importance to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of the rural commercial bank gradually into people's horizons, rural commercial bank credit risk problem also gradually get attention.

   This paper focuses on the emerging rural commercial bank financial strength, to jingjiang rural commercial bank as an example, analyze the rural commercial bank credit risk problem research. Based on the bank credit risk management present situation investigation and analysis, analysis of rural commercial bank credit risk management problems. , 1 from the level of credit risk management to risk management, internal and external development environment and control system, the results of the analysis, combined with the actual, proposed targeted to improve the rural commercial bank credit risk management.

Keywords  Jingjiang Rural Commercial Bank   credit risk   management

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:商业银行信贷风险是商业银行经营中需要控制的核心要素之一。银行的信贷风险管理,需要在保障银行经营情况安全的前提下,以最小的损失达到最佳的风险控制效果。对商业银行信贷......
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