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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-15
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关键词 长期股权投资;成本法;会计处理;改进方法


Abstract:With the rapid development of economy and the continuous development of the financial and capital markets in our country, investment activity have bee one of the most common economic activities in recent years. The accounting treatment of the long-term equity investment is a complicated part in investment activities and it’s hard to understand. As one of the long-term equity investment accounting methods, the cost method is widely used in the investment enterprises because its accounting treatment process is simple and the concept of enterprise legal person is conformed to the law. Of course, its influence cannot be ignored. With the constant change of cost method in accounting standards, it’s important to deal with the changes and improve enterprise accounting work.

   Based on the evolution of long-term equity in accounting standards of China, this paper summarizes the main changes in scope of application and conformation of investment income on the cost method of long-term equity and tries to figure out the principle of cost method. Taixing Reducer Limited Liability Company is taken as the research object to show the influence of evolution. In the end, two disadvantages in current cost method are found out: Firstly, the real value of long-term equity investment can’t be reflected. Secondly, there is too much work to be done. To solve the problems, this paper suggests the improvement methods: still using the provision in the previous accounting standard and adding a new accounting subject: Long-term equity investment --accumulated offset of the initial investment cost to simply accounting procedures. Then a more perfect cost method of long-term equity investment will be studied out.

Keywords  Long-term equity investment  Cost method  Accounting treatment  Improvement method

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:会计人员必须要弄清楚这些变化的内容,变化的实质,变化后如何进行会计处理,以及成本法背后的原理,分析比较出这些变化对企会产生什么样的影响,在新的准则下如何确定投资收......
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