
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-15
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关键词  存货;内部控制制度;第三方物流;ERP系统


Abstract:With the rapid development of market economy, small and medium enterprises have become the important part of the market economy. But it’s more and more difficult for modern enterprises to survive in the society, as the competition is increasingly fierce. In the severe situation, every part of the business management influences enterprises’ development and competitiveness. The inventory is a very important current asset, which will take up a lot of money in the enterprise. To a large extent, inventory will influence the development of enterprises. So enterprises should use the scientific and effective inventory management methods to have effective control of inventory and reduce unnecessary costs, then we can achieve the purpose of improving the economic efficiency of enterprises and promote the enterprises’ better and longer-term development.

   In this paper, GUONENGZIJIN Electric Company is the research object, through the collection and collation of the company’s inventory management, combined with the actual investigation and inquiry, i have a more comprehensive grasp of the basic situation of the company’s inventory management. Then I will propose the existing problems in the company’s inventory management, and further analyze the causes of the problems. Finally I will put forward the countermeasures from the internal control and the use of ERP systems, to enhance inventory management and to improve inventory efficiency of capital use.

Keywords  Inventory  Internal control system  Third-Part Logistics  ERP system

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:从我国目前市场经济的总体现状来看,由于我国中小型企业本身规模和资本运作的限制,大多数中小企业并没有完善的存货管理制度。但是,随着全球经济一体化,对我国经济的发展起......
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