
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-16
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关键词 扣除额调整;公平收入分配;再分配效应;累进性


Abstract:In recent years, with the continuous development of society, the constant progress of economy, people's living standards continue to improve, the personal income tax paid attention to gradually, the personal income tax deduction for the amount of wages and salaries impact of the tax adjustment has also become the focus of social discussion.

    According to the personal income tax deduction of the amount of wages and salaries of theoretical knowledge as the basis, to the individual income tax on wages and salary deduction comparison before and after adjusting the tax amount as the research object, through to our country from 2003 to 2012 (include deduction four stages) tax data analysis, from the tax organization financial revenue, adjusting income distribution, economic regulation and control functions of the three starting, redistribution of the fair distribution of income focus and cumulative level, and from the problems found in the existing personal income tax deduction standard propose optimization suggestions.

Keywords  Deductions adjustment  Equitable distribution of income  The redistribution effect  Progressive

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:本文是从税收的三个职能:组织财政收入,调节收入分配,经济调节功能出发,分析了扣除额四个阶段税收变化中存在的问题,并结合我国的基本国情,提出完善我国个人所得税工资薪......
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