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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-16
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关键词 环保上市公司;绩效评价;EVA


Abstract:With the economic and social development, enterprise performance evaluation research has made great progress. And range along with the economic globalization, the impact of the external environment of enterprise's development also becomes more and more complex. People realize the importance of the performance evaluation of a company. Through performance evaluation, the enterprise management, staff and all stakeholders can understand the operating status of enterprises, and help enterprises to find their weaknesses and find a way to improve itself, and, in turn, the enterprises will enhance competitiveness, make themselves long-term sustainable development. EVA evaluation method is emphatically introduced in this paper, and then combined with the central environmental protection co., LTD performance appraisal system, as an example for empirical study. The central problems existing in the performance appraisal system of the company include; First, the central plains operator shall assume overall rsponsibility for the company to the operator's incentive enough; Second, ZhongYuan company just implement performance appraisal to operator, and not to the enterprise performance evaluation, there is a deviation on strategic orientation; Third, the evaluation index of the ZhongYuan company use only total operating revenues, profits, capital resale value three financial index as evaluation index, excessively attaches great importance to the enterprise short-term financial performance. According to above problem, this paper builds on economic value added method that EVA method as company performance evaluation system, First of all, on the basis of the original financial data for fine-tuning, and calculate the company's EVA value from 2008 to 2012, at last, through the comparative analysis of ZhongYuan company's net income, net operating profit after tax and EVA, find out the relationship between the three indexes and the reason for the change, and induces wether the EVA index truly reflects the value of the enterprise, thus verified the feasibility of EVA method.

Keywords   Environmental Protection of Listed Companies   Performance Evaluation   EVA

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:某些环保产品由于技术薄弱而剩余下来,而一些用来治理污染的环保设备又严重短缺。因此,帮助企业完善经营管理,引导企业如何正确经营,进而提高环保企业效益,为我国环保事业......
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