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资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-27
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摘  要:进入21世纪以来,国民累积财富的速度加快,越来越多的人理财意识开始觉醒,与此同时他们对理财提出了更高的要求。寻求的不仅仅是资产的保值,而是在力求资金安全的前提下使得资产增值。从整体趋势上看,我国的个人理财市场正朝着现代化、专业化的方向发展。在这个过程中,第三方理财作为独立的理财机构应运而生,它秉承独立性、以追求客户利益最大化的为宗旨,填补了金融市场的空白。


关键词:第三方理财  个人理财规划  理财顾问


ABSTRACT:In the 21st century, the national wealth accumulation faster, more and more people began to awaken financial sense, at the same time they put a higher financial requirements, seeking not only preserve the assets, but in seeking funding under the premise of making safe asset value. Judging from the overall trend, China's personal finance market is moving modern, professional direction. In this process, third-party financial institutions came into being as an independent wealth management, it is adhering to independence in pursuit of the interests of customers for the purpose of maximizing to fill the financial gap in the market.

This article from the third-party finance in the context of China's rise and development, combining advanced countries has matured over the development of third-party financial comparison, identify gaps, combined with China's national conditions for the sustainable development of third-party financial advice.

Key words: Third-party financial; Personal financial planning; Financial advisor

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:通过以上图示,我们可以直观看到第三方理财机构的运作模式。首先客户会从众多的理财机构中选择符合自身情况的第三理财机构。再由理财规划师与客户充分的交流,取得客户的信任......
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