
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-25
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摘  要:我国房地产行业在国民经济建设中有着重要的作用,国家也将房地产行业作为支柱性行业之一。我国房地产企业发展到现在,也经历过各种各样的问题,其中融资问题是困扰房地产企业发展的关键问题。现在,随着我国政策对房地产市场增加了宏观调控力度,房地产企业的融资也越来越难。在国家的调控下,如何根据市场形势,选择合理的融资渠道,更好的减少融资所带来的风险,是每个房地产企业都需要思考的问题。


关键词:房地产行业  融资渠道  风险  建议


ABSTRACT:China's real estate industry plays an important role in the national economy, the state of the real estate industry as one of the pillar industries. Development of real estate enterprises in China to the present, but also experienced a variety of problems, including the problem of financing the key issues that plagued the real estate enterprise development. Now, with China's policy to increase the real estate market macro-control efforts, the financing of the real estate business has become increasingly difficult. In the regulation of the state, according to the market situation, a reasonable choice of financing channels, better to reduce the risks of financing, each real estate companies need to think about.

   From the real estate financing channels for enterprises, this paper introduces five financing channels, and analyzed the characteristics of each type of financing channels. And then analyze the risks of financing channels, mainly from the analysis of bank credit, policy environment and real estate issues. Analyze the reasons for its existence, and these risks mainly from the financing channels for a single, three aspects of changes in the policy environment and own capacity. Also by Shenzhen Vanke financing experience as an example, think about the revelations of its successful experience. Also measurements should be taken to improve the real estate enterprise financing channels.

Keywords:Real estate industry;Financing channels;Risks;Suggestions

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:因为房地产的项目建设周期长、价值高、产业链长,房地产企业在建设一个项目时往往需要投入几千万甚至是几十亿,所以经营房地产需要有大量且长期的资金投入。正因为房地产企业......
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