
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-10
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关键词  社会责任,经营绩效,银行


ABSTRACT:Since China joined WTO, all aspects of our economy have been influenced enormously by the globalization and also our economy has become an important part of the world economy. As part of the global value chain, the international community has promoted the movement of global corporate social responsibility, which also had an important impact on China's economy. In order to guide enterprises of countries to undertake social responsibility, China has promulgated a variety of laws and regulations to regulate behavior of corporate social responsibility. This paper conducted an empirical study on China's banking industry, which all the factors affecting social responsibility have been taken into consideration to perfect China’s banking theory for CSR. This paper is aiming to do an empirical study on the banking industry to gain the conclusion suggesting that the relationship between social responsibility and business performance to regulate the banking industry.

Key Words: Social responsibility, business performance, bank

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:企业社会责任已经成为企业全球性战略成长中一个重要的指标,因为企业的市场表现力受到市场战略的左右,此外企业社会责任使企业生存标准标变得更高同时也使企业维持了他的盈利......
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