
资料分类:财务管理 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-22
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Abstract:Currently, the economic and computer technology continues to progress and development, accounting, information technology has become an inevitable trend. Information in the accounting process, enterprises should fully tap the potential of existing applications to fill the existing financial software, or ERP software defects. Thus, with the rapid development of modern science and technology, information exchange, expanding research enterprise to master how to use accounting information to help companies predict the decisions of great significance.

   Excel for financial management, management accounting, financial accounting, cost accounting and accounting practices with the implementation of computerized assessment and such an important role, through the Excel skills learning can significantly reduce the accounting staff in the accounting for a large number of duplicate data entry the workload and improve work efficiency and quality.

   This paper analyzes the Excel used in the construction project financial evaluation and calculation of personal income tax case, explains how to work in the hospitality industry accounting practices tap the potential of Excel applications to meet specific business management information requirements.

Key Words:Excel;financial management; hospitality industry; research




上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:本文通过分析Excel应用于建设项目财务评价和个人所得税计算的案例,阐述了如何在酒店服务业会计实务工作挖掘Excel的应用潜力,以满足企业经营管理中的特殊信息要求。......
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