
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:In recent years, the problem is becoming more and more by the international community and the sovereign state of respect and attention, it is international politics with biological, or by the international pattern of domestic social, economic, and political situation caused by large populations, to wander, homeless, therefore, the refugee problem is an international humanitarian issues. On the other hand, refugee issues related to national sovereignty, reputation, security, interest, the exercise of administrative power, also relates to the relationship between country and country, the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners, from this level, the refugee problem is one of the important national administrative management. However, in our country at present, except in accordance with the international convention, in the processing of refugees and no corresponding laws and regulations to follow, as China's international status has improved and the international society continuously into the refugee problem, research and improvement of the legislation is to be placed in our countries and governments need to solve a urgently problem, have realistic meanings. This paper studies China's refugee status by the existing problems, the refugee problem, draw on refugee issues of legislative proposals, but also learn from foreign legislative experience on refugee issues, China's refugee legislation put forward the concrete suggestion.

Key words: refugee law system; refugees; refugee legislation




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:通过研究我国难民现状所存在的问题,针对难民问题,得出对难民问题进行立法的建议,同时也会借鉴外国对难民问题立法的经验,就我国难民立法提出具体的建议。......
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