
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:In the contemporary world,the liberalization of international trade has a continuous development.National economic and trade relations are growing.However, trades conflicts also occur at the same time,especially in the field of anti-dumping perform significantly.Anti-dumping seems being used as an important means in various countries to protect their national interests.But in the context of global economic integration, using anti-dumping as a means to protect the interests of domestic industries unreasonable, will infringes other countries and organizations’ legitimate trade interests.In this way, it may cause trade disputes between countries and may lead to trade sanctions to each other which are not conducive to normal bilateral trade and economic exchanges.In order to safeguard common interests,to promote the development of trade liberalization;WTO members need to establish a system to regulate the anti-dumping administrative act of certain government departments.China,as a member of WT0,because its opening time is not long, with other countries’ economic exchanges still at a relatively. Low level,so China’s anti-dumping judicial review system still has many problems.Although by now our country Court’ cases of anti-dumping are rare,but the system of judicial review has a considerable significance to our country.It is the commitments of China's accession to WTO.It can improve China’s legal environment effectively, it also can promote the legal awareness of domestic enterprises,in this way they could respond to foreign anti—dumping investigation on Chinese products actively.Therefore, China should improve the rule of laws relevant anti-dumping judicial review in legislate, improve the trial of anti-dumping cases in judicial.Only in this way can we achieve the WT0’s request for China, and provide effective legal guarantee for the international trade of china.

Key words:Anti—dumping,Judicial review,Problem,Improvement




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:目前我国在反倾销司法审查中还存在着许多问题需要解决。面对国际贸易领域不断出现的摩擦和纷争,我国只有不断完善自身的法制建设,尽量使我国的反倾销审查法律规则与国际接轨......
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