
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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Abstract:Extended detention is in accordance with the law the defendant of criminal suspects to take compulsory measures to restrict personal freedom, detention for longer than the duration of the Criminal Procedure Law. Extended detention in the criminal justice practice in China, is divided into absolute extended detention and relatively extended detention of two kinds, both of Criminal long-standing problem of the field of judicial practice. Extended detention violated the personal rights of the detained person and reduce the sense of trust of the masses of the state organs on the laws and regulations, undermined the normal order of the criminal proceedings did not meet the basic requirements of the construction of the country under the rule of law in China. Extended detention occurred on the one hand, the defects of the judicial mechanism, on the other hand there are backward rule of law, philosophy and other reasons. To effectively address this issue from the criminal judicial proceed on the extended detention of the Legislation, to modify the provisions of existing laws on the detention period, the reform of detention oversight mechanisms, additional review of the investigative actions of pre-trial procedures, extended detention into national compensation within the establishment of extended custody accountability system, so that the extended detention fundamentally resolved.

Key words:Extended detention,Legislation regulation,Criminal suit,Custody System





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:对于被羁押人而言则是一种严重侵犯人权的行为。刑事案件中对被告人进行羁押的时间超出法律规定公诉机关的办案期限,不仅是对当事人人身权利的严重侵犯,还是对法律公正和政法......
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