
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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关键词: 欺诈  信用证欺诈  防范  立法完善


Abstract:Letter of Credit is the most common and important payment and settlement tool of international trade settlement. It is known as “the life blood of international commerce”. However, the principle of independence and abstract of credit, as well as the menthods mentality of illegal businessmen and different legal provisions of different countries, all makes the increased risks. At the same time, all kinds of fraud actions appear. It has seriously undermined the normal conduct of international trade and undermined the international economic order.

   As there is no uniform law or practice about the provisions on letters of credit fraud and identify standards all around the world, so if we want to solve China's credit fraud , first of all is to clear its meaning from the existing legal provisions. Second, we should also take judicial practice into consideration 

   As for the letter of credit fraud prevention, we should encourage the main trade  body of letter of credit, banks, and courts to jointly prevent, as to respond to increasingly complex credit fraud.

Key Words:Fraud;  Fraud in Letter of Credit;   Prevention;   Provement  of the legal system

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:信用证是当今国际贸易中最常用的支付方式,被称为“国际商业的生命血液”。它以银行信用代替了商业信用,缓和了买卖双方互不信任的矛盾,降低了国际贸易中买卖双方的风险,有......
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