
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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关键词: 转化型抢劫    先行行为   犯罪数额   刑事责任年龄


Abstract:The formation of transformed robbery prerequisite question is not a clear criminal legislation, criminal law theory is quite controversial, the issue of justice for a confused. Substantive criminal law based on the position, according to “Criminal Law” the spirit of Article 269, from the punishment of the necessity and the angle of considerable analysis of this issue, Prior behavior should be advocated need not constitue a crime; Amount of crime also be required to achieve a larger, and “in order to conceal stolen property, resisting arrest or destruction of evidence and then using violence or threats of violence on spot , the circumstances are serious, can also be punished for robbery ” as the provisions of its exceptions; Finally, the starting point of the parties should be the age of criminal responsibility to 16 years old. Clearing controversial argument contribute to apply “Criminal Law”269 more accurately and perfectly, more in line with the principle of legality and the principles of crime fit the requirements, in line with criminal law protection of human rights and social protection function of the unity of function.

Key words: Transformed Robbery ,Prior Behavior ,Crime Amount ,Criminal Responsibility Age    

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:转化型抢劫罪是典型的准型转化犯罪,而转化犯罪的基础必须是犯罪行为,作为转化犯罪类型之一的转化型抢劫罪也必须符合该项要件。准型转化犯罪是指刑法所规定的说明转化犯罪成......
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