
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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Abstract: The final aim of constitutional politics is to ensure the human rights and the freedom by a series of system such as limited government , the separation of powers, an independent judiciary and so on. Human rights is the meaning of the constitution political. The constitution political and human rights is the modern social political civilization symbol and pursuit. The paper try to explain the concept of the constitution and constitutional politics, rights consciousness, etc. And try to analyze the United States, France, Germany constitutional political development history and the protection of human rights relationship , and to explore the history of development of the constitutional politics and the protection of human rights. Based on the development history of western constitutional politics , we can drawn lessons from the review advanced western constitutionalism experience to promote our constitutional development .In the end, the paper briefly analyzes the relationship of constitutional politics and rights consciousness ,and expounds the role of constitutional politics to awareness of rights and the reaction of awareness of rights .

Key words: Constitution, Constitutional Politics, Awareness of Rights, Human Rights

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文主要是对宪法、宪法政治、权利、人权、权利意识等基本概念的界定,同时浅析西方宪法政治发展与人权保护的状况及宪法政治的发展与人权意识的关系......
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