
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:有效辩护 国际刑事司法准则 立法缺陷


Abstract: The principles of effective defense of criminal procedure have become part of international standards of criminal justice. Defense systems in the existing Code of Criminal Procedure with which a wide gap exists, it is difficult to form judicial practice really effective defense of one of the reasons. Although the 1996 "Code of Criminal Procedure” made ​​a big change, but because the legislation itself or the existence of many defects, lead counsel in judicial practice shrinking greatly restricted the defense of its functions. We should be specific analysis of these gaps, be targeted on improving the Criminal Procedure Law to protect the lawyers to participate fully in criminal proceedings, in order to facilitate truly effective in the defense of our country.

Key words: Effective defense, International Criminal Justice Standards, Legislative Defects

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:有效辩护原则是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人及其委托的辩护人,出于维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法利益,通过实体性的辩护和程序性的辩护,及时充分地行使辩护权,使得辩护真正具有实......
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