
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词  村民自治  现状  救济措施


Abstract: Villagers' autonomy are rural villagers shall independently management revered economic and social affairs, it is grassroots democracy system with China's rural economic reform process and appear villagers' autonomy, management mode, is also the rural economic and social development of the inevitable result. After 20 years of villagers' autonomy, the  practice of grassroots democracy system gradually become perfect. But due to the existence of all kinds of factors and influences and restricts the development of villager autonomy. Article is the practice of the villager autonomy and the content of were discussed, and the villagers autonomy influences and restricts the development of several factors, this paper puts forward some improvement to analyze the countermeasures and Suggestions of the villager autonomy, analyzes the scientific connotation, to define its governance boundary, and combining the practice, explores the gain and loss, seeking its construction measures formed complete rural public governance mechanism, and promoting the construction of new socialist countryside, have the universal pertinence and realistic significance 

Keywords: the villager autonomy   status   remedies

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:不难发现在我国村民自治不断探索前进的同时,一些尖锐的矛盾和问题理所当然地出现在探索的路途上,只有克服前进道路上的苦难,才能引导村民自治制度走向正规造福广大村民......
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