
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:格式条款     合同解释     解释方法


Abstract: The standard term, with the characteristics of standardization and adhesion, which is also called the standard contract or the adhesion contract, is drafted by just one part of the consumer contract beforehand. Although the ways to point out the standard terms are different because of the diversity of the transactions, yet they have to be expressed out through all kinds of means except for verbal agreements. The standard terms are convenient and efficient to the modern society, but at the same time, we should never neglect the defects of them for they are affecting the lawful rights and interests of the consumers. The purpose of the interpretation of the contract is to find out the true meaning of the contract. The interpretations of the contract and the law are different from each other. On one hand, we have to interpret the standard terms through the way that used to explain the common contracts; on the other hand, we should also use the methods that conform to the characteristics because of the particularities of the standard terms.     

Key words: Standard Term, Interpretation of Contract, Interpretation Procedure

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:格式条款的确在整体上给社会成员带来了便利,但越来越多的案例表明,经营者正利用格式条款,严重地损害着消费者的正当法律权利和利益。因此,准确界定格式条款的含义,洞穿社......
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