
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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Abstract: The system of the priority of compensation in construction projects, which is made for protecting the interest of the contractor, embodies the distribution justice and the interest balance. There are the like laws in other countries as well. As a kind of response to society, they reflect the same legislative policies, although they differ in the name and the system design. The priority of compensation in construction projects is a type of legal mortgage. The main conditions of it include the subject factor, the object factor and the time factor. Different from the general mortgage, the exercise way of this priority has been transformed from the action in personam to the action in rem. In practice, the priority can be firstly confirmed through the judicial procedure and the dunning procedure, or directly realized through the executive procedure. However, with the loophole of the law itself and the illegal operation, the application of the priority in pracice is not so satisfying. The system of the advancing notice registration can be built to ensure the safety of transactions and reduce frictions. Besides, to apply the priority to the procedure of bankruptcy can make such relization more efficient. In addition, failures of prioriry of compensation in construction projects, caused by embezzling the fund of pre-saled building, can be avoided by taking the measures from the aspects of cause and result.

Key words: The priority of compensation, Construction projects, Procedure, Registration

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:无论是对拖欠工程款的数据统计,还是对这一问题所采取的举措,都从不同角度反映了建设工程款拖欠现象的严重性。也正是面临着这样严峻的社会现实,建设工程优先受偿权才会一次......
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