
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:交通肇事   逃逸行为   法益   罪刑相适应


Abstract: The main purpose of punishing hit-and-run in the Criminal Law is to use legal methods to ensure the actor's timely salvation to the victim, and then avoid greater unnecessary social harms, personal and property losses. The precondition of traffic escapes is that the actor is aware of having had the traffic accident, for only when the actor subjectively has realized the traffic accident, the "escape" can be said. Severe punishment on the escape behavior is to maximally protect the legal interest. The criminal law has a characteristic of tough sanctions. For the traffic accident crime is a kind of criminal negligence, the criminal law has the lighter legally-prescribed punishment. However, once the actor ran after the accident, the subject state of him has transformed from the negligence to the intention to desert the victim. The subjective vicious state is not within the basic legally-prescribed punishment and more severe methods should be adopted to suit punishment to crime. We should apply correctly within the constitutive requirements of the law and the limitation of legally-prescribed punishment when dealing with traffic accident escapes, so as to achieve an effective control of the traffic escape and create good social order and traffic environment.

Key words: committing traffic offences,escape behavior,Rechtsgut,Adapt to punishment 

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:在实践中能够正确处理交通肇事罪的前提是仔细研究我国相关方面的立法,根据法律条文的规定具体分析肇事行为,从而判断是否处以刑罚、处以何种法定刑的刑罚。本文将具体讨论我......
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