
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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Abstract:"Adjudicating Suits in Line with the Spirit of Spring and Autumn" reflects the beginning of  Confucianism’s legalization, however Confucianism in early did not affect legislation, but influence judicial. In criminal trial, judicial officials adjudicate suits in line with the Spirit of Spring and Autumn, so as to solve difficult decision basis for the case or other law not prescribe cases, so the cases get solved successfully. " Adjudicating Suits in Line with the Spirit of Spring and Autumn " includes a series of conviction, the formation of the principle of law, but also effectively complement to maintain the feudal integrity, ethics and the feudal imperial maintenance also has a positive effect. " Adjudicating Suits in Line with the Spirit of Spring and Autumn " feudal legal system of later dynasties have had a profound impact, started our Confucianism legalization process, the formation of for the Chinese legal system has the certain simulative effect.

Keywords:Adjudicating Suits in Line with the Spirit of Spring and Autumn; Confucianism; Traditional Legal System of China

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:“春秋决狱”,即以《春秋》等儒家经典里的经义和事例作为审判决狱的依据,实质是用儒家伦理充当法条。春秋决狱对中国特殊的法律传统具有根本性的影响:作为引礼入法的切入点......
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