
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:礼  礼治  礼治的本质  礼法融合


Abstract: Through access to ancient texts, journal articles related to network resources and literature to the Xia and Shang dynasties obtained from the period to the Han "ceremony" of the causes, processes and state history, and then on the "gift" to the meaning of layer by layer analysis of research, until the "ceremony" the most profound meaning, followed by analysis of "ritual" dual aspects, "laws and institutions" and "ethics", drawn and described the "Rites" is the essence of "ethics of governance", and explain the ritual function of governance and norms enlightenment. Ultimately describes the traditional Chinese ceremony of governance and the rule of law relations are from the phase separation to the rule of law exclusion ceremony colonial period until the end of the "rites fusion" period, which know the traditional Chinese society, the king of the country statesman central idea of ​​the "rites integration." "Rites" in traditional Chinese society's role is important.

Key words:Ceremony,Rule of Rites,The nature of Rule of Rites,Integration of etiquette

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:“礼治”是“礼”的具体实施形式,是古代君王治国,古代人民治家的措施。本文通过对“礼治”的起源,历史沿革,涵义特点,从“礼”的内容分析“礼治”的本质,从而进一步分析......
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