
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:゛陌上花开 更新时间:2014-12-19
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关键词  女性,健康权,人格尊严,法律保护


ABSTRACT:China's lack of consciousness of social gender and the development of women is to critical thinking power of gender consciousness as the public policy of the country, become the social mainstream consciousness. Women basic rights shall be determined in the form of the constitution of human rights, the right to health and personal dignity is one of the most important rights of basic rights of women .We study the whole life process of the female as the research object, the whole life at the same time, the whole life of women in the study process is divided into several stages, girls, young girls, adult women, older women. In the perspective of social gender and gender analysis, from the aspects of legislation, law enforcement, judicial give women the right to health and personal dignity distinguishing (compared to men), fully, perfect the legal protection, is the important sector of our country's human rights cause, truly the law giving women basic rights to adequate security and implementation.

Key Words: Woman  Health right  Human dignity  Legal protection

上传会员 ゛陌上花开 对本文的描述:同时应当理清、明确人格尊严与具体人格权两者之间的关系[ 王利明教授在《人格权法的发展与完善--以人格尊严的保护为视角》一文中指出:“人格尊严是人格权法的一项基本原则,它......
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