
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小花老师 更新时间:2015-05-25
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关键词:  环境保护,例外条款,自由贸易 


ABSTRACT:Along with the development of trade liberalization and the rise of global wave of environmental protection, the conflict between trade and environment problem is increasingly serious. But after years of gradual development, the relationship between environmental protection and free trade has been in GATT article 20 environmental exceptions to the case law in the basic balance. While acknowledging the environmental value takes precedence over free trade, in terms of environmental trade measures to the strict restrictions. Through a study on the reason, and based on the terms and conditions in all the cases on the basis of the analysis of the suitable situation, thus for our country on the use of future environmental protection exception clauses provide reference.

Key words: Environmental protection, Exception clauses, Trade liberalization

上传会员 小花老师 对本文的描述:虽然在自由贸易与保护环境二者之间存在些许矛盾,但在对各个有关环境保护案例进行分析、总结和发展的基础上,来平衡自由贸易与环境保护之间微妙的关系。......
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