
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小花老师 更新时间:2015-05-25
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ABSTRACT:Along with our country foreign trade prosperity, frontier minority areas bordering neighbouring naturally becomes a "front line" of China's foreign trade, all kinds of civil and commercial matters caused by trade and non-trade even criminal disputes are to follow. Cannot be ignored at the same time, another important factor is that most of China's border with neighbouring areas is also a minority settlements, this makes the frontier minority areas have transnational litigation not only, also has the national character. In these foreign element with minority citizens to participate in the lawsuit, language differences to make our country laws and regulations related procedure guarantee of litigation rights on the parties have imperfections, litigation in the language difficulties become frontier minority areas at the grass-roots level court judicial activities of a big problem. In this paper, through the survey of longzhou county of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the southwest frontier ethnic regions in China at the grass-roots level the present status of the use of putonghua in the proceedings in the court proceedings are analyzed, and from our country current law, policy, grassroots judicial department, several aspects, such as to provide some Suggestions to solve the problem of the class

Key Words: Border areas , Ethnic minority areas , Legal language

上传会员 小花老师 对本文的描述:在这样的背景下,我国边疆民族地区基层人民法院在办案过程中不免遇到因语言问题而产生的困难。我们在广西壮族自治区一边疆县——龙州县,就当地基层人民法院在办案中遇到的当......
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