
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:小花老师 更新时间:2015-05-25
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Abstract:The management approach of trademark law since 1983 by the implementation of the provisions of trademark registration ranges from the initial implementation of our own to later join the TRIPS Agreement and international standards, in the process of our country, "Trademark Law" were six times so far The modification, which provides scope for trademark registration is also included which relate, in particular, make provision for the recognition and protection of trademarks for goods and services category, but there are also drawbacks. The meaning and scope of trademark registration trademark registration from the scope of this article contains the current development status and background, and trademark registration from the current range of relevant laws and regulations be explored, analyzed the current shortage of registered trademarks present in the range of existing regulations and room for improvement. This paper is divided into five parts, explain and discuss problems range of trademark registration. To elaborate, and introduce the concept of trademark registration from the relevant trade marks included in our history of the development process, in which the scope of trademark registration slow development marks. Range of commodity groups registered trademark introduce change in our country since the founding of the trajectory and the current operation, the implementation of the existing categories of goods through the implementation of the Nice Agreement and the international commodity categories like table, but did not on trademark law for this category Table insufficient implementation details of a predetermined result. In this paper, a registered trademark of the scope of the defect identification and protection systems are introduced and analyzed, pointing out the reasons for which the problem is proposed to improve the practice of law perspective rehabilitated proposal to his question.

Keywords: trademark registration, range of goods and services, categories Across a range of protection ,A prior right to trademark ,registration scope limitation.

上传会员 小花老师 对本文的描述:而商标注册范围有限性则是指在商标注册所规定的范围内可以自由的行使权力,因为受制于商标注册范围的相关规定和其他的商标相关事项,而无法避免使用商标注册范围规定的范围权......
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