
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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【关键词】既判力 行政诉讼  权威性 范围


【Abstract】Res judicata theory as the basic theory of litigation areas of law, and its essence is to maintain the authority of the administration of justice and national stability of the rule of law. To administrative proceedings, the administrative decision establishing res judicata should really establish a court authority. Administrative proceedings to establish res judicata ruling, the need to address the scope of administrative litigation res judicata effect, the system according to, administrative proceedings and denial of res judicata judgments and other relevant principles of relationship. Establishment of a suitable system of res judicata of administrative decisions, and improve the system of administrative litigation.

【Key words】Res judicata; Administrative Litigation; Authority;Range

上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:确立行政诉讼判决的既判力,有必要解决行政诉讼既判力效力范围、制度根据、行政诉讼判决既判力的否定以及与其他相关原理的关系。建立适合我国的行政判决既判力制度,完善我国......
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