
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-24
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【关键词】示范诉讼  代表人诉讼  群体性纠纷  职权型示范诉讼


【Abstract】In recent years, along with our country’s economic development and the transformation of society, mass disputes and lawsuits are arising continuely. But the litigation system of our country’s representative lawsuit proceeding have many defects, call not adapt to the new situation of the judicial practice, which puts our country’s judicial settlement of group disputes in a difficult position. In order to solve the group disputes and to make system of representative litigation perfect, the litigation system should introduce the test case. Compared to the other settlement systems of group disputes and lawsuits, the test case has some procedural aspects and its operation of the mechanism is unique. In this paper, the author studied the models of the litigation systems in other countries firstly, and analysis the different legislature and the judiciary on the basis of practical experience and then according to the actual situation of our country, put the suggestion that our country should build test case litigation system to solve group disputes and lawsuits. The author advanced a specific framework of our test case litigation system in order to perfect the litigation system and set up a dispute settlement mechanism of the group disputes and lawsuits with Chinese characteristics.

【Key words】Test case; Reperesentative lawsuit; Mass dispute; Test case of action-type


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:本文在对各国示范诉讼制度综合考察的基础上,提出我国构建示范诉讼制度的基本原则及模式,并设计了我国示范诉讼制度的具体框架,以期建立中国特色的群体性纠纷解决机制。......
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