
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-05
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Abstract:Joint crime is a difficult and complex issue on criminal law theory and judicial practice.It’s a great significance for criminal trial to study the form of Joint offence.The complexity of the phenomenon of crime in society, determines the importance of Joint offence system in criminal law. In order to facilitate the fight against the phenomenon with such a crime,every country has provisions on joint offence.At present,there are a lot of controversy and questions in the cognizance of joint offence,whether domestic or foreign. It calls on us that we should pay attention to fill and improve the system in order to facilitate judicial practice and theoretical research. At the same time,it’s in favor of reduce crime and maintain social stability by study a trend of the joint crime development.The author puts forward a number of proposals to improve this system,by revealing the problems,as well as learn from foreign experience for the joint offence.

Key  words: joint crime; joint negligence; sentencing; juridical practice


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:研究共同犯罪的发展趋势,有利于减少犯罪,维护社会稳定。笔者通过揭示我国刑法对于共同犯罪存在的问题以及借鉴共犯规定在国外的经验,对我国完善共同犯罪提出若干建议。......
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