
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-05
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Abstract:The second instance civil procedure is an important aspect of the whole civil procedure system.It is of great significance for investigating the facts of the case,the correct application of the law and the maintenance of judicial authority.Througt anylasing the significance of the paper,which to point out the second instance civil procedure is play an importance role in the appellate system. Finally this paper discusses the problems that exist in the legislation and judicial practice of the second instance civil procedure and try to give some suggestions combined with the status of current systent system and existing problems.

Key words: the second instance civil procedure;the significance of the improvement;the main problems;prefecting the procedure


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:对当前我国二审程序中存在着的启动条件过于宽泛、当事人诉讼地位不平等、反诉限制过于严格、发回重审规定简陋等缺陷进行评析。最后,对以上问题有针对性地提出解决措施,包括......
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