
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-10
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Abstract:Corruption crime is the important social problems which persecute every country all over the world. It seriously erodes the integrity of national staff positions of infringement of the state and the socio-political and economic order, the normal operation of the mechanism, and has become a cancer improve democracy and legal system construction and obstacles, the most concerned about China's current social and political problems. At present, China is set Legal Sentence corruption, there are many problems, such as eligibility requirements of the vacancy punishment、property、lack of punishment prescribed life sentences under the waste、the criminal point is too high、grade penalty unreasonable. To a certain extent, affected the prevention and combating corruption, crime, effectiveness. By foreign and Chinese Hong Kong and Taiwan on the Comparative Study of Criminal Law of Corruption and reference, I put forward a sound proposal Criminal Law of Corruption.

Key Words:Corruption crime;Eligible for penalty;Fine;Penalty rate


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:我国贪污罪法定刑设置存在很多问题,如资格刑规定的缺位、财产刑规定之不足、生命刑规定的浪费、入罪数额标准不科学、起刑点过高、量刑档次不合理等,这在一定程度上影响了预......
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