
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-14
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关键词:  一人公司,债权人保护,制度完善


Abstract:This form one company, before the new company law has not come, although no clear legal provisions, but in real sense already has it. And due to its fast and flexible in the face of economic change, the governance structure simple, the advantages of shareholders limited liability, can lead to the development of the existence of one-man company growing. For all countries in the world are admitted the legal status of one-man company in China also in the new company law issued in 2006 has been clear about the legal status of one-man company, and made specific provision, such as the lowest volume of capital system in writing system for the major issues of the registration publicity system. But because one company has particularity, reference of foreign legislation, the current company law of one-man company system in China is not perfect enough. For one company creditor rights protection system is very lack, this article through to the domestic and foreign corporate creditors in every legal protection system of contrast, from several aspects to our country the current company law improvement of the system of one-man company creditor rights put forward some Suggestions.

Key Words:  one-member company,Creditor Protection,perfection of system


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:我国公司法对一人公司的制度还不够完善。对于一人公司债权人权利保护的制度也十分缺失,本文通过对国内外各法域公司法债权人保护制度的归纳对比,从几个方面对我国现行公司法......
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