
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-14
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Abstract:Compensation System for Mental Damages is an important system for protecting civil citizens'and legal entities'personalities.Compensation System for Mental Damages has been established for much more comprehensive protection in our country. However, problems about discrepancy and ambiguous laws, regulations and judicial interpretation related to mental damages can lead to widely divergent verdicts judged by courts at various levels toward similar cases,which will make the citizen suspect judicial justice. In the following content, value of compensation for mental damages and its reasons will be analyzed.Furthermore,suggestions about improving our Compensation System for Mental Damages will be presented in this assay by learning advanced experiences of law legislations from foreign countries and certain areas. 

Key words:mental damages;compensation;standard;consistency


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:这些问题可能会导致地方各级法院对同类或相类似的精神损害赔偿案件的判决结果大相径庭,使群众对司法公正产生怀疑。本文通过对我国精神损害赔偿的意义和原因的分析,并借鉴相......
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