
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-14
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Abstract:Increasingly fierce competition in a market economy cases, trade secret is the enterprise, companies, institutions and even national competition, and overall strength contest embodiment, therefore, trade secrets has become an important means of competition to win. With the trade secrets of enterprises, national competition, an increasingly important role in socio-economic development as a trade secret infringement of intangible assets also become more and more dramatic. In order to adapt to protect fair competition, promote scientific and technological progress trend of the times, the world in varying degrees of commercial secrets shall be protected by law. 

  In China's socialist market economy, legal system building process, the integration with the global economic development increasingly uncertain, some of the trade secret is the company made an important means of international competitive. The importance of trade secret protection has become more evident which to strengthen the legal protection of trade secrets has become the consensus. The paper by reference to foreign legal protection of trade secrets provision of the legal protection of commercial secrets in China what the problems or propose solutions to improve the proposal.

Key words: Trade secrets;intangible assets;trade secret protection laws;legal protection


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:商业秘密保护的重要性日趋明显,加强对商业秘密的法律保护已经成为人们的共识。该论文是通过借鉴国外对商业秘密法律保护的规定对我国商业秘密法律保护所存在的问题提出解决或......
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