
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-24
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Abstract:China's protection of trade secrets a late start in civil protection, the protection of criminal law, competition law has developed, but there are still a certain lack of civil law protection.Trade secrets as intangible assets of an enterprise for the enterprise has brought considerable economic benefits, it also brings the market competitiveness, and subsequently led to some unscrupulous person to personal desires or commercial competition and the implementation of the theft of others trade secretsbehavior and the protection of trade secrets, in particular, civil law is an important part of the protection of trade secrets law, the legislation of our country in the trade secrets of the civil law to protect this one is not perfect, in order to maintain the normal order of market competition and safeguard the legitimate interests of trade secrets rights,civil law protection of trade secrets in urgent need of improvement, this article from these aspects on how to improve the protection of trade secrets in the civil law.

Key words:trade secret protection;civil law;intellectual property rights;improve


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:我国在商业秘密的民法保护这一块上的立法并不完善,为了维护正常的市场竞争秩序以及维护商业秘密权利人的合法权益,商业秘密的民法保护方面急需改善,本文即从这方面展开,阐......
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