
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-24
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Abstract:Conclusion and execution of electronic contract is the key of electronic commerce,and traditional status contract take the place of electronic contract,In our country,study of structure electronic contract legal system is starting too late,and in the current law and regulation of China exist lag or the lack of the electronic contract legal system.This thesis start with significance of structure electronic contract legal system,and get our ideas,structure electronic contract legal system,into shape by aid of analyze the main obstruct of structure electronic contract legal system.Author put forward a proposal about structure electronic contract legal system by aid of depending on the actual situation of china and using the electronic contract legal system of other countries for reference.

Key words: electronic contract;electronic agent;electronic error; electronic standard contract




上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:构建我国电子合同法律制度是一项系统复杂的工程。因而,构建我国电子合同法律制度应该针对电子合同的特殊性,认真分析电子商务实践中遇到的各种情况。在借鉴有关国际经验的基......
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