
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-04
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Abstract:Employer Liability System Research originated from Europe, Britain and America. The employer liability system of our country always in dispute. This thesis analyses the employer liability system legislative value, furthered pointed out the necessity and importance in our country system .But owing to employer liability constitutive requirements of current laws in our country has no explicit stipulation, judicial practice in our country doesn’t have unified standard. Suspension of employer liability, through drawing on the experience exist in other countries, on China's building a system to suspend the employer liability constitutive and put some forward specific recommendations.

Key words: employer liability; doctrine of liability fixation; employment relationship; official conduct; tort


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:由于雇主责任构成要件在我国现行法律法规中没有明确的规定,所以在司法实践中各地的做法并没有统一的标准。笔者通过借鉴雇主责任构成要件在国外的经验,对我国构建雇主责任构......
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