
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:Along with the rapid economic development of our country,in recent years  the domestic violence phenomenon in China is also more and more serious. Family violence not only seriously infringing upon citizens' right of the person,threating family stability,and destroying social harmony and progress,and has become a public nuisance. This paper analyzed the harm of the domestic violence. Through our country lacking of the domestic violence legal regulation on special laws,existing multiple management and unknown responsibilities phenomenon,and the burden of proof is not reasonable,and social relief mechanism is not in position as to explore and analysis. Aiming at these problems,the paper puts forward these concrete measures,which include taking out the specified laws system to prevent domestic violence,clearing management institution and accountability,assigning responsibility reasonably and seting up the social relief mechanism,in order to solve the domestic violence problems.The victim can protect their own rights and interests on the legal framework.And they can promote the harmonious social development of our country.

Key words:family violence;harm;problem;resource





上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:建立社会救助机制的具体措施,以便更加有力的解决我国家庭暴力问题,使得受害人在目前的法律框架内能最大限度地维护自己的权益,并促使我国和谐社会发展。......
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