
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:Recent  years has witnessed rapid development in labor service dispatching owing to the transformation of economic structure, the cost-saving considerations of the enterprises and the flexibility of employment for the employees.  However, the current labor legislation of China lags behind the development of labor service dispatching. At the beginning  of this dissertation, we point out the necessity of consummating the  system  of  China’s labor service dispatching  by analyzing the problems which exist  in  the  field  of the  legislative  mechanism, law enforcement and supervision, salary and treatment and the boundary of responsibilities. Based  on these issues, we draw  lessons  from the advanced  experience  of some foreign countries and then put forward measures  in  terms of  consummating the legislation mechanism, reinforcing  the government administration, consolidating  law enforcement and supervision etc., so as to fill the gap in legislation of labor service dispatching, thus promote the sound progress of it.

Key words: labor dispatch; employers’  liability;equal pay for equal work





上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:我们借鉴国外劳务派遣的先进立法经验,提出健全立法机制,强化政府管理,加强执法监督等改革力度及完善措施,以期填补劳务派遣的立法漏洞,促进劳务派遣业的良性发展......
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