
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-13
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Abstract:Theory of expectation of possibility originated in Germany, and then to Japan. This is a theoretical framework and research in Germany, Japan has been very mature, but in our country, the theory of expectation of possibility research still not mature, even in China's criminal law, the theory of expectation of possibility, whether in theory or in criminal justice, haven't really is enough attention. By analyzing the theory of expectation of possibility practical application value, and further pointed out the development of the theory and further the necessity and importance. But, no matter from state policies, laws and regulations or practice in our country, the application of theory of expectation of possibility has certain feasibility. But due to the theory of expectation of possibility in China in the existing laws and regulations, no explicit provisions in judicial practice, so all the way, and there is no unified standard. Based on the theory of expectation of possibility in reference to Chinese overseas experience, the theory of expectation of possibility of legislation and judicial puts forward concrete suggestions.

Key words: expectation of possibility;normative schuldlehre;hypertagmeme




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:期待可能性理论有着重要的理论价值和实践意义,在我国刑事司法审判中借鉴期待可能性理论有必要性和可行性。但同时,我们也必须认识到,期待可能性有其本身的弱点,如果适用不......
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