
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:With the development of network technology and network expansion of space.The privacy of personal security in the network are under constant threat.Network privacy protection has become an increasingly important issue. This article from the general theory of network privacy to explore our online privacy legislation.Privacy as an independent personality right, other countries, its already formed an effective protection mechanism. A significant impact on the development of the Internet privacy. Which the United States to take online privacy protection model is based on industry self-regulation-based, The European Union is the main legal regulation model. By drawing on the views of scholars and domestic foreign network privacy and protection, A number of specific recommendations on the protection of the privacy of our network.

Key words:privacy;the right privacy in cyberspace;protection of the right to privacy in cyberspace via law





上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文旨在通过分析网络隐私权一般理论,借鉴国外对网络隐私权的立法现状,完善我国对网络隐私权的保护。加强网络道德和公民隐私保护的发展,实现科技发展的同时公众的网络隐私......
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