
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Abstract:Personal information is the  new product of information age, with the development of the information economy, its commercial value is important reflect, it is illegal collection, use and are more and more serious, so the protection of individual information become more and more popular topic. I state-owned shutdown on 2003 began drafting" organizational scholars personal information protection law", but so far, our country special personal information protection law has not been introduced yet. Therefore, to perfect relevant legislation, the introduction of a personal information protection law brook no delay. This paper begins with the analysis of the protection of personal information and the importance of the concept of personal information, the right attribute, followed by the introduction of the legislation of personal information protection and China s personal information protection present situation, finally, according to the legislation in foreign countries and Its Enlightenment to our country, put forward our on the construction of China s personal information protection suggestions.

Key words: Personal information; The right to personal information; Personal information protection of the law





上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:个人信息保护已经成为全社会日益关注的话题。它不仅关乎公民个人的生活安宁、自由,更是关乎社会的和谐发展和社会主义法制社会的建设。个人信息保护法的出台,已经成为一种必......
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