
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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摘要:近年来劳务派遣作为一种新型的用工与就业形式,在我国迅速发展。它不同于传统劳动关系的特性,使其在提高灵活就业质量,促进人才产业发展,降低用工单位人力资源成本,为用工单位提供弹性用人机制,增加劳动者的就业机会等方面具有很大的作用。    但劳务派遣单位、用工单位与被派遣劳动者之间特殊的三角法律关系,也使劳动者与用人单位之间的劳动关系更加不稳定;易造成劳动者权益在遭受损害时,劳务派遣单位和用工单位之间相互“扯皮”,责任主体不明确,增加劳动者维权的难度。因此有必要从理论上理清三方之间的法律关系,分清法律责任,更好的指导实践中出现的问题,保障被派遣劳动者的合法权益。



Abstract:In recent years, Service Dispatching, as a new form of labor and employment, has rapid development in China. It is different from the characteristics of traditional labor relations,improving the quality of flexible employment,and promote the development of talent industry, reducing the labor unit cost of human resources, For the accepting units provide flexibility personnel mechanism, increase their employment opportunities have great effect.

   But the triangular legal relationships between the employment industry, Service Dispatching industry and dispatched laborers, it made the labor relations between workers and employers to be more unstable; its easily to lead to the interests of workers suffered an injury, the dispatch industry and between labor industry passing the buck, the main responsibility is not clear, increasing the difficulty of workers rights. Therefore, it’s necessary to theoretically clarify the legal relationship between the three parties, to distinguish between legal responsibility and better guide practice problems, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the dispatched workers.

Key words:  dispatched workers; the labor dispatch service;employment units




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:劳务派遣中,被派遣劳动者作为劳务提供者并不能与劳务的接受者议价,派遣单位就可能利用其掌握就业信息,垄断就业机会,代表求职者与用工者谈判等地位,欺骗或者从中榨取劳动......
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