
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Abstract:The system of bona fide acquisition for the stability of social economic order, protect the safety of transaction, safeguard the interests of bona fide third party and the social public interest plays an important role in market transactions, frequent, rapid, complex today especially has a profound historical significance. China 's property law will be the object of goodwill expanded into real estate in line with the actual needs, for the development of the market economy is of great value. But our country's real estate acquired in good faith system deficiencies still exist. The author through the reference of the bona fide acquisition of real estate system in foreign experience, through the improvement of the bona fide acquisition of real estate system applicable scope, standard white standard, perfect the registration system of real property rights of indigenous people, to strengthen the relief measures of our country real estate acquired in good faith system is perfect suggestions.

Key words: real estate;bona fide acquisition;perfection of the system




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:通过借鉴不动产善意取得制度在国外的经验,在完善不动产善意取得制度适用的范围,规范善意的标准,完善不动产物权登记制度,加强救济原权利人的措施等方面对我国不动产善意取......
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